PRINCESS FOR A DAY 2021 How acts of kindness boost confidence and help women discover their beauty

By November 12, 2021 Newlife Care


Last week we ran our last Princess for a Day program for the year. In 2021 our amazing volunteer team provided beauty services, morning tea and clothes to 73 women who were doing it tough. These ladies had the opportunity to feel like a Princess for a Day. While Covid presented us with challenges and restrictions, the team was keen to continue serving and blessing these precious ladies.

Committed volunteers start their work the day before the program with setting up the hall, sorting the clothes, baking scones and preparing the kitchen. On the day, before the doors open, Program Coordinator Viv Bate gathers the team to thank them for showing up, reminding them of the wonderful opportunity they have to love on and make a difference in these women’s lives and praying God’s blessing for the morning.

The team often get to see these sad or lethargic eyes, stress or scepticism written over their faces, comments that speak stories of disappointment and hopelessness and a body language of either low self-esteem or a position of defence. And we know behind all this is a beautiful Princess who has forgotten how precious and beautiful she is. Beautiful not only for one day, but always.

So here she is, our Princess, a little insecure – or super excited, wondering which services to book. Facial, Massage, Nails, Hairdressing, Make Up? Where to start? … What to expect? Everyone is so friendly, so she decides to relax. Oh, and there’s morning tea (including fresh home made scones) and she can chat with someone. The next stop is the clothing rack, where she can browse and receive some fashion advice.

And as she leaves, we see her walking upright, feeling relaxed after a massage or facial, carrying a big smile, loving the compliments, feeling beautiful, feeling precious, because some people cared enough to take the time, to make an effort, to see the person.

Not a person who is one of many, not someone easy to overlook or someone who doesn’t matter – but as someone important, someone who is worth it, someone precious and loveable. And she boasts about the wonderful morning she had … showing her nails, clothes and bag of gifts and feeling great with her make-up and hair. 

I can see her beauty. I can see why our volunteers feel blessed to serve these ladies. You cannot witness this without being deeply touched.

 “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia

There are so many women doing it tough in our City. That is why we will continue this valuable service that was founded with love and passion and lead for many years by Jill Ransom, who is supporting the team to this day. Now Viv is leading the team with anticipation and excitement about new opportunities to serve the ladies in our community in 2022.

We are deeply thankful for each one of our “Angel” volunteers and every donor who supports this service financially.

“Princess for a Day volunteers provide a wonderful opportunity for ladies to feel very special and pampered and this significantly helps their self-esteem, confidence and their ability to connect with others in a safe and welcoming space. Thank you Princess for a Day for what you are providing for our community.”

Ailsa, Thrive Support Coordination



Princess for a Day enquiries: [email protected]  

General enquiries: [email protected] 


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